Christmas is fun, but Halloween is the most wonderful time of the year. There's nothing like the first crisp fall day to make me want to quit my job and do nothing but craft, particularly costume-related objects (this is my costume from last year, and it's entirely hand-sewn except for the wig - apparently I wasn't all that busy last October).
Unfortunately, it hasn't been terribly crisp these last few days (soggy and muggy would be more accurate). To top it off, I had to stay home today with a cold (presenteeism in the workplace is NOT a good thing - don't be a hero people, just stay home if you're sick!). My wedding is in just a few days, and I'd prefer to not be hacking my way through the ceremony, but que sera, sera. I'm also afraid of getting Marc sick, so I've pretty much disinfected everything I've touched, and take it from me, you don't realize how many things you touch in the space of even five minutes until you have to disinfect them.