Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Entry

This is Jill & Leslie's blog about sewing, quilting, and all things crafty (but not "kraft" with a K).

Here's an old photo of my current quilting project. I've done a lot more since this photo was taken. --Leslie


Jill B said...

Leslie, I love this blog - it looks great! I can't wait to post my first entry.

Jill B said...

I just had an idea for a post: "5 Things You Should Never, Ever Make. Ever." For example? 1. Holiday-themed vests. Always a mistake. 2. Anything that involves turning an "ordinary" sweatshirt into anything else, such as a blazer or "festive holiday favorite." 3. Handbags with eyes, arms, and or legs, etc. 4. Most "cozies" are taboo - there's no need to drape a tissue box or toaster in fabric (they're not cold). 5. Anything that can be fashioned from plastic canvas. Just don't, ok?